Published onApril 30, 2023Compile & Upload Arduino Code from the Command LinearduinoUse the Arduino command line interface (arduino-cli) to compile and upload Arduino code!
Published onApril 30, 2023Compile & Upload Arduino Code with PythonarduinopythonUse pyduinocli to compile & upload Arduino from a Python script!
Published onApril 4, 2023Teensy Setup A Step by Step GuidearduinoteensyTeensy is a powerful device. Lets get set up to program ours in the Arduino IDE
Published onMarch 13, 2023Arduino Errors - A GuidearduinoThere are just a handful of errors that tend to manifest in Arduino programming - lets discuss how to make them go away!
Published onMarch 8, 2023Chat GPT Writes Perfect Arduino Code!chatgptaiarduinoChatGPT by OpenAI is supercharging programmers' productivity. How can we leverage OpenAI's tool to write perfect Arduino code quickly and easily?
Published onNovember 21, 2022How to Display Serial Arduino Data on a Scrollable Tkinter GUIarduinopythonBuild an Arduino sensor serial monitor with python Tkinter
Published onNovember 21, 2022How to Send Commands to an Arduino from a Python ScriptarduinopythonCommand your Arduino from your PC!
Published onNovember 20, 2022How to Read Data from Arduino via Serial PortarduinopythonIt can be valuable to hook up your PC to a sensor-reading arduino to process or save data. There are some cool use cases I have implemented over the years, so I thought I would reduce a script to the bare bones for demonstration.