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Advent of Code 2023: Day 6 Solution

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    Tinker Assist


Advent of Code 2023 - Day 6 - Wait For It

Table of Contents

Part 1 Solution

We'll need to begin by reading the puzzle input

Read the Puzzle Input File

We will save our puzzle input in "day4_input.txt" and then read from that file.

file = open("day6_input.txt", "r")
input =

We will then break up the input by line:

input_list = input.split('\n')

Create Solution structure

points = 0
for card in input_list:
    # We will add to our points here

The Code

# Read each of the two input lines
times = input_list[0]
distances = input_list[1]

# Parse the input lines into more usable data
times = [int(i) for i in times.split(':')[1].split(' ') if i.isdigit()]
distances = [int(i) for i in distances.split(':')[1].split(' ') if i.isdigit()]

# loop through each time and distance index in our input
answer = 1
for ind, time in enumerate(times):
    # loop through each possible "charging time" for the race and determine
    # whether the resulting distance is greater than the record distance
    wins = 0
    for i in range(0, time):
        if i*(time-i) > distances[ind]:
            wins +=1
    answer = answer * wins

Part 2 Solution

The Code

# Read each of the two input lines
times = input_list[0]
distances = input_list[1]

# parse the input to be one long race
time = int(times.split(':')[1].replace(' ', ''))
distance = int(distances.split(':')[1].replace(' ', ''))

# loop through all possible charging times in the race and count up wins
wins = 0
for i in range(0, time):
    if i*(time-i) > distance:
        wins +=1

Full code

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